Try for free for 30 days the #1 SaaS System in Italy for Selling Travels Remotely

MON - FRI 09:00-13:00 / 14:30-18:00

Choose the best subscription for you!

TOTA Manager™ is an SaaS Software (Software As A Service), that is a software sold as a service under a subscription.

This licensing and delivery model, offer a number of advantages to our Customers, and the most important, if to NOT having to purchase or install any software on the various PC they have got. To use TOTA Manager it's needed just an internet browser (chrome, firefox, edge, safari, etc.).

TOTA Manager™ is available in three diffrent versions: Basic, Professional and Advanced, each one purchasable through annual subscriptions.

You can try for FREE any of the three available versions, thanks to our warranty 100% Satisfied or Refunded!!!


Click on the plus + to expand the rows of the tables below!
Setup Cost (only once) € 199
if purchased on-line
€ 199
if purchased on-line
€ 199
if purchased on-line
Annual Subscription
30 /mo

Paid Annually
(€ 360 per year)

80 /mo

Paid Annually
(€ 960 per year)

130 /mo

Paid Annually
(€ 1.560 per year)



  • Total Cost for New Orders = Setup Cost + Annual Subscription.
  • Total Cost for Subscriptions Renewal = Only Annual Subscription.


Basic FeaturesDescriptionsBasicProfessionalAdvanced
Custom Domain Registration or Transfer of n. 1 (one) custom domain (eg.
Number of Operators Number of Admin Users that can access to the administration backend of your TOTA Manager System. unlimited unlimited unlimited
Included Categories Offer Categories in which to create unlimited travel offers (eg. "Cruises", "Holidays" and "Wellness") 1 (one) 2 (two) 3 (three)
“Filters” Module Allows the customers to filter the Offers by Category (e.g. shows only the Cruises), Departure and Destination locations.
Number of Offers Number of Offers (tour packages) that is possible to load in a website created with TOTA Manager unlimited unlimited unlimited
Countdown The countdown that appears in each offer to inform the users about its expiration
(Exploits the “urgency” principle to persuade the user to book immediately without hesitating or deferring)
Counter for the offers "Sold" and "Still available" The banner that is displayed on each offer and that tells the users that:
This is NOT an offer existing on the catalogue, so hurry up because we only have available a few more!!!
Still available: 1
Sold: 4
(Exploits the "scarsity" principle to persuade the user to book immediately without hesitating or deferring)
Notification “Other viewers online” The banner displayed on each offer and that tells the users that “___ more users are viewing this offer right now!”
(Exploits the "scarsity" principle to persuade the user to book immediately without hesitating or deferring)
Booking with DEPOSIT or BALANCE For each offer of your catalogue, you can decide whether to accept bookings followed by the payment of a deposit (for a minimum amount of your choice) or the entire balance.
Accepted Payments You can decide whether to accept or not the following payment methods:
1) Credit/Debit Card, 2) PayPal, 3) Bank Transfer, 4) Cash
Documents It is possible to attach to each offer a document in PDF or Google Doc format, that the user can download, print and carry while travelling (e.g. the detailed itinerary with the stops and the timings of a Cruise)
RSS Feed Every time that your Catalogue is updated with new Offers, the RSS feed is updated with new data and it sends a message that is rendered by the readers subscribed to your feed
FAQ Area Support page where your users will be able to find the answers to the most frequent questions related to purchasing procedure, booking, online and offline payments, etc
Technical Support Technical Support through email and trouble tickets
Sales/Administrative Support Sales/Administrative Support through telephone


Remote training The remote training class (delivered using Skpe or other video conference tools) on the use of TOTA Manager, for all the Operators of your Agency, to be held after the activation and in a single session, with no limits on the number of attendees (max duration 2 hours).
"Request Quotation" module

Consente agli utenti che non hanno trovato l'offerta che cercavano, di richiedere un preventivo personalizzato.

Allows the users, that didn't find the offer they were looking for, to request a custom quotation.

"QR Code" module Generate automatically the QR code for the offers.
"Comments" module Allows the users to add comments to the offers.
"Video" module Allows to add a video to the offers.
"Maps" module Shows the position of the accomodation on Google Maps, within the offer pages.
"Chat" module Allows the users to chat in real time with your team.
"Newsletter" module Allows to collect the email addresses of the users that are interested in subscribing.
"Reviews" module Allows the users to read the reviews of your existing customers.
"Up & Cross Selling" module Enables to show the "related" offers while an user is browsing an offer.
"Social Sharing" module Allows the users to share an offer through Social Networks, WhatsApp and email.
"Facebook Likebox" module Shows the Facebook page of your company, in all the offers browse pages of your website.
"SEO" module Create and update automatically an XML Sitemap for indexing your offers on the internet search engines + Google Analytics setup + additional features to help in improving the positioning of your offers on the search engines
"Remarketing" module To follow your users and show them "sponsored" offers (through Facebook and Google AdWords) after they have left your website.


Services NOT included to be purchased separatelyBasicProfessionalAdvanced
Additional offer categories € 30 each € 30 each € 30 each
Technical Support through telephone request quotation request quotation request quotation
Support on creation of required Free Accounts offered by third parties request quotation request quotation request quotation



We are so confident of the effectiveness of the remote sales system that we designed, that we are able to offer you the top guarantee:


By purchasing any version of TOTA Manager (base, professional or advanced), you have the right to try it freely for 30 days from the date of your order, without any restrictions. At any time, within the 30th day, if you do not be satisfied, you can claim a refund of 100% of what you have paid.

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Try it FREE for 30 days

Publishing and Selling your offers online has never been so quick and easy:

laptop dx

What you do:

enter all your Best Offers in the Google Sheet that we provide to you.

icona come funziona
laptop dx

What TOTA Manager does:

show the offers to your Potential Customers, collecting the information "in real time" from the Google Sheet you have filled out and highlighting what you need to EMPHASIZE to Secure the Highest Number of Remote Sales.


Nota: If you're wondering "what is a Google Sheet?" Is a spreadsheet. Google's "Sheets" work like Microsoft's "Excel" sheets, but unlike these, they can be used for FREE, wherever you are (from your phone, tablet or computer) without buying any license and without installing any software on your PC.

Do you want to see TOTA Manager in action?

Request access to DEMO

Per le Agenzie di Viaggio e i Tour Operators che vogliono Vendere Viaggi al di fuori del proprio mercato locale, TOTA Manager è il Sistema SAAS n. 1 in Italia per creare Siti specifici per la Vendita a Distanza mediante Offerte Lampo.

A differenza dei siti web tradizionali che non danno risultati rilevanti in termini di vendite, perché creati da chi non ha precedenti casi di successo in questo settore e che, il più delle volte, scompare subito dopo aver incassato il proprio compenso, con TOTA Manager è possibile creare Siti per le Vendite Lampo (anche dette “Flash Sales”) che hanno già aiutato diversi nostri clienti ad incrementare notevolmente il fatturato, consentendogli di:

  • Acquisire Nuovi Clienti OVUNQUE, anche fuori dal mercato ‘locale’ nel quale operano già le loro sedi fisiche.
  • Vendere Sempre, anche nei periodi di bassa stagione o di minor affluenza di Clienti in sede.
  • Incrementare la vendita dei viaggi selezionati dall’Agenzia e non dal Cliente autonomamente da catalogo.
diagramma 01


Inoltre, essendo TOTA Manager un sistema SAAS (Software As A Service), assistiamo i nostri clienti per tutta la durata del servizio!


Leggi le opinioni di chi ha già provato TOTA Manager™ qui » Opinioni dei Clienti

  • perché applica Principi di Marketing che SPINGONO realmente le Vendite (in particolare: urgenza e scarsità dell'offerta).
  • perché è alla portata di chiunque, anche con scarse competenze informatiche, purché sappia usare i fogli di calcolo (“Excel” di Microsoft o “Fogli” di Google).
  • perchè paghi per utilizzarlo come un Servizio in abbonamento e NON per Acquistarlo come un prodotto. Spendi meno dell'acquisto e, se non ottieni risultati CONCRETI e MISURABILI, alla scadenza, semplicemente: non rinnovi l'abbonamento!

Provalo GRATIS per 30 giorni

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